Up Next: The Playroom (aka, The Green Room)

With only the finishing touches left on the Man Cave (woo-hoo!), we're already thinking about what our next project will be.  The list of projects to choose from is never-ending, but we've decided to focus on the kids' playroom next.  We've still got nice weather for at least another month, but I want the playroom ready for the winter, to have somewhere to keep the kids entertained (more accurately, to keep them from driving their parents crazy!).

Is it any surprise that the single largest room in the house belongs to the kids?!  When the house was on the market, this room, which is on the lower level, was advertised as the "second master bedroom."  M and I both had the same first thought when touring the house for the first time:  When Little Lady is a teenager, it would be great to have her move her bedroom down here.  She would have her own space, and there is a full bathroom downstairs that could be all hers, too.  I had the luxury of having an entire attic space to myself when I was a teen, and would love if Little Lady could have her own space eventually.

For now though, this is the perfect play space for the kids.  We have a family room upstairs, off the kitchen, where we keep all of Little Man's "toddler safe" toys, but this downstairs playroom would hold all of the big-kid toys and activities.  Little Lady already uses the room for all of her crafts, and it's also a great escape from her little brother when he's trying to get into her stuff.

The playroom is affectionately known as "The Green Room," for obvious reasons.

It's not clear in the pictures, and I couldn't get a good close-up shot, but the lower half of the walls are sponge-painted with a slightly different shade of green.  Little Lady wants to keep it a green room, but I've found a color that I think will update the room a little and make it not quite so pastel.

The rug has some small tears in it here and there, but is in mostly good shape.  Still, we don't really know who owned the house before us and whether or not there were pets (we suspect there were), so we're going to have a new rug put in.  We went back and forth with putting in laminate like in the office and Man Cave, but ultimately decided to do rug so the kids had a soft place to play.  Yeah, clean-up of the rug is a bigger deal than clean-up of laminate, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.  (Let's see how long it takes me to regret that decision, ha!)

We still have a ton of moving junk that we dumped into this room while we finished some of the other spaces, but ultimately this room will belong solely to the kids.

We plan on repainting the trim and walls, and having a professional install the rug.  This room should be fairly easy to get done.  Famous last words, right?!


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