Power Tools!

OK, first bit of news:  We finished the flooring in the office!  Just need to clean up the room, finish a few minor details, then we'll be ready for the big reveal.  I can't wait to move in tomorrow!

What I am almost as excited about, though, is that I successfully used a table saw for the first time!  Successful in the sense that I accurately cut a piece of flooring, and also successful in the sense that I didn't hurt myself!  Those of you who know me know that I can be a bit clumsy at times (see yesterday's post as evidence).

I was totally holding my breath, can you tell?!

Notice my Tough Mudder shirt?  I wore it to give me the courage to actually use the saw. 

This last picture isn't of me sawing, but I finally used that nifty little tool to "tap in" the boards.  That little "click" they make when they finally fit together is such a satisfying sound.

I am totally ready to tackle the next room!


  1. Lol.. as I was reading the blog and looking at the pics, I thought, "is she wearing her tough mudder t-shirt?" so funny that it gave you the courage to use power tools! hope you drank a beer afterward... it's pretty hot down here. you should sport the headband, too.


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