After a long hiatus from working on the house, and an even longer hiatus from blogging, we are back to work! We've had a bunch of small changes around the house since my last post. I'll talk about those later, but I'm excited to share what we're currently working on. Those of you in the Boston area are well aware of the long and snowy winter we had. As soon as the weather turned warm, we started spending each weekend outside, working on the yard. The house needs a total external overhaul, and we started focusing on the yard and overall curb appeal. Our walkway has been lined with brick, some of which had started coming out of place and causing quite the obstacle as the kids tried to run across the yard into the driveway. Plus, I just didn't like the look. I think at some point they were meant as a decorative edge, but it gave the walkway a dated appearance. M and Little Man (well, mostly M) took out the bricks earlier this week, which absolutely op...